VITyarthi Python Essentials Module 9 Quiz Answer

Question 1

What is the keyword used to define the function??

  1. define
  2. fun
  3. def

3. def

Question 2

Which of the following items are present in the function header??

  1. function name
  2. parameter list
  3. def keyword
  4. All the above

4. All the above

Question 3

What is a recursive function??

  1. A function that calls another function.
  2. A function that calls to itself.
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

2. A function that calls to itself.

Question 4

How many parameters can return from the function??

  1. Any number
  2. 1
  3. 2
  1. Any number

Question 5

If the return statement is not used inside the function, the function will return:?

  1. None
  2. Null
  3. Arbitrary val
  1. None

Question 6

In which part of memory do the system store the parameters and local variables of a function call??

  1. heap
  2. stack
  3. Uninitialized data segment
  4. None of the above

2. stack

Question 7

Which of the following function headers is correct??

  1. def try(a = 2, b = 3, c)
  2. def try(a = 2, b, c = 3)
  3. def try(a, b = 2, c = 3)
  4. def try(a, b, c = 3, d)

Question 8

Which of the following is the use of function in python??

  1. Functions are reusable pieces of programs
  3. you can also create your own functions
  4. All of the mentioned
4. All of the mentioned

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