VITyarthi Fundamentals of AI and ML Module 6 Challenging Task Solution (Question on Variables and Lists)

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Question 1

Write a Prolog program that takes in a sequence of integers as input and calculates the Average of all even numbers provided.

% Base case: When the list is empty, the average is 0. Average_even([], 0).



% Recursive case: When the list is not empty, check the first element.


% If it’s even, calculate the average of the rest of the list and add the first element to it.


% If it’s odd, ignore it and calculate the average of the rest of the list. Average_even([H|T], Avg) :-

     0 is mod(H, 2), % Check if the number is even


       Average_even(T, RestAvg),


        Avg is (RestAvg * length(T) + H) / (length(T) + 1).




Average_even([H|T], Avg) :-


    1 is mod(H, 2), % Check if the number is odd


      Average_even(T, Avg).


Question 2

Write a Prolog program that takes a sequence of strings as input and returns the number of Strings starting with a vowel

% Base case: When the list is empty, the count is 0. Count_strings_starting_with_vowel([], 0).



% Recursive case: When the list is not empty, check the first element.


% If it starts with a vowel, increment the count and calculate the count in the rest of the list.


% If it doesn’t start with a vowel, calculate the count in the rest of the list. Count_strings_starting_with_vowel([H|T], Count) :-

        String_chars(H, [FirstChar|_]), % Extract the first character of the string          Member(FirstChar, [‘a’, ‘e’, ‘I’, ‘o’, ‘u’]), % Check if the first character is a vowel         

        Count_strings_starting_with_vowel(T, RestCount),

         Count is RestCount + 1.




Count_strings_starting_with_vowel([_|T], Count) :-          Count_strings_starting_with_vowel(T, Count).


Question 3

Write a Prolog program that takes in a sequence of words as input and returns the length of The longest word in the sequence.

 % Base case: When the list is empty, the length of the longest word is 0. Longest_word_length([], 0).



% Recursive case: When the list is not empty, check the length of the first word.


% Calculate the length of the longest word in the rest of the list,


% and compare it with the length of the first word to determine the overall longest word length. Longest_word_length([H|T], Length) :-

        Atom_length(H, WordLength), % Calculate the length of the first word


Longest_word_length(T, RestLength),

Length is max(WordLength, RestLength).

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