VITyarthi Fundamentals of AI and ML Module 1 Challenging Task Solution

 NOTE : –   Don’t copy the complete solution from here in Challenging Task . You can take a reference to rephrase your Solution.

Challenging Task

Consider an automatic parcel picking robot in an airport. What are the PEAS components need for it? Also explain, how do you estimate the performance of it?

The PEAS stands for Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, and Sensors

The PEAS components for an automatic parcel-picking robot in an airport are as follows:

  • Performance measure: In this case, the performance measure could be the quantity of packages picked up in a predetermined amount of time, the robot’s accuracy in locating and grabbing the right package, and the robot’s effectiveness in navigating the airport environment without causing any delays or disruptions.
  • Environment: In this case, the baggage claim area or airport terminal would be the environment for the automatic parcel picking robot. Without interfering with the activities of the travellers or the airport workers, the robot would need to move around the environment, recognise packages, and pick them up.
  • Actuators: The robotic arms, wheels, and other mechanical parts that allow the robot to move around, recognise parcels, and pick them up are called actuators for the automatic parcel pickup robot
  • Sensors: The automatic parcel-picking robot may use cameras, lidar, radar, or other sorts of sensors to detect and recognise packages in the airport environment.               


We may use a variety of criteria, including accuracy, speed, and efficiency, to gauge how well the parcel-picking robot performs. Similar to accuracy, we may assess the proportion of packages that the robot correctly recognises and collects. We may gauge the robot’s speed by seeing how soon it can pick up and deliver packages to the correct area. When comparing the robot to conventional parcel delivery techniques, we may assess the robot’s efficiency in terms of energy consumption or cost-effectiveness based on the time and resources it saves. In assessing the robot’s general utility and efficacy in addressing their demands, airport employee and patron input can also be beneficial.

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