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HackerRank Python: Mutations Solution

HackerRank Python Mutations
Learn how to modify a string in Python using the mutate_string function. Convert the string to a list or slice the string and join it back.
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HackerRank Python: What’s Your Name? Solution

HackerRank Python What’s Your Name?
Learn how to print a customized greeting in Python! This tutorial shows how to use the print_full_name function to greet a person by name.
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HackerRank Python: String Split and Join Solution

HackerRank Python String Split and Join
Learn how to split a string on a delimiter and join using a hyphen in Python. Try the split_and_join function with this example. #PythonProgramming
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HackerRank Python: sWAP cASE Solution

HackerRank Python sWAP cASE
Learn how to swap cases in a given string with Python. Convert uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa using the swap_case function.
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HackerRank Python: Tuples Solution

HackerRank Python Tuples
Learn how to create a tuple from input integers in Python and compute its hash value using the built-in hash() function. Sample code included.
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HackerRank Python: Lists Solution

hackerrank python list solution
Learn how to manipulate lists in Python! This tutorial shows how to insert, print, remove, append, sort, pop, and reverse elements in a list.
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HackerRank Python: Finding the percentage Solution

HackerRank Python Finding The percentage
Learn how to read a dictionary of students' marks and print the average of a given student's marks in Python, with 2 decimal places. #PythonProgramming
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HackerRank Python: Nested Lists Solution

HackerRank Python Nested Lists
Learn how to store student names and grades in a nested list and print the name(s) of those with the second lowest grade using Python. #PythonProgramming
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HackerRank Python: Find the Runner-Up Score! Solution

HackerRank Python Find the Runner-Up Score!
Learn how to find the runner-up score from a list of scores using Python. This tutorial includes code and explanations. #Python #Coding #Tutorial
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HackerRank Python: List Comprehensions Solution

HackerRank Python List Comprehensions
Learn how to use list comprehensions with this problem! Print a list of possible coordinates on a 3D grid where i+j+k does not equal n.
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