VITyarthi Fundamentals of AI and ML Module 2 Quiz Answer

Question 1

Which of the following is true about breadth first search?

  1. BFS is the most prevalent method for traversing a tree or graph
  2. BFS is implemented using a stack data structure
  3. Incompleteness is another disadvantage of BFS
  1. BFS is the most prevalent method for traversing a tree or graph

Question 2

The _______algorithm figures out the best depth limit by slowly raising it until it reaches the desired depth?

  1. Uniform cost search
  2. Iterative deepening depth-first
  3. Bidirectional Search
  4. Depth-first Search

2. Iterative deepening depth-first

Question 3

Consider the following statements about Informed search i. It finds solution more quickly ii. Cost is high iii. It consumes moderate time. Which of the following are true.?

  1. i only
  2. i & ii only
  3. i & iii only
  4. ii & iii only
  1. i only

Question 4

The A* search algorithm is?

  1. Incomplete
  2. n-complete
  3. complete
  4. none of the above

3. complete

Question 5

The agents do not have complete information about the game and are unaware of what is happening then it is called as?

  1. Perfect information games
  2. Imperfect Information games
  3. Deterministic games
  4. Non-deterministic games

2. Imperfect Information games

Question 6

______________is a tree in which the nodes represent game states and the edges represent player moves?

  1. Binary tree
  2. Search tree
  3. Game tree
  4. Root tree

3. Game tree

Question 7

Which of the following is the feature(s) of hill claimbing algorithm?

  1. Generate and Test variant
  2. Greedy approach
  3. No backtracking
  4. All the above

4. All the above

Question 8

The ideal state for the state space landscape is known as?

  1. Local Maximum
  2. Global Maximum
  3. Current state
  4. Flat local maximum

2. Global Maximum

Question 9

Which of the following is false proposition?

  1. The Sun rises from east
  2. 3+3= 7
  3. 5 is a prime number
  4. The course code for this course is CSA2001

2. 3+3= 7

Question 10

Knowledge about the other types of knowledge is called as?

  1. Declarative Knowledge
  2. Procedural Knowledge
  3. Meta-knowledge
  4. Heuristic knowledge

3. Meta-knowledge

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